Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 73 (15 Sep) - Two Keys Down and Other Updates

Well, it's been a long time since I've posted.  I haven't felt like there was much to say.

First, my second key is empty.  Two keys down and a small dent is already in the third one.  That's 106 buckets and counting.

Second, after 14 years in the AF, I've finally discovered the benefits of being a Club member.  Free dinner in the bar for members at 1730.  Wednesday...pulled pork sandwiches.  Thursday...Tacos.  Friday...finger foods.  Did I mention that it's free?  Wednesday is my favorite, but most of the others prefer Taco night.  A lot of us rally at the Club for dinner, which makes it worth it.  Last Friday was Member's Night, which means free buffet dinner including steak (not bad...O'Club steak as you know it), and every kind of pie you can imagine.

Third, my new schedule is starting to fell like Groundhog Day.  Wake up, shower, eat, go to work, come back for lunch, go back to work, and then hit the O'Club for dinner.  After dinner, off to the driving range, back to the room for various stuff, and then skype with the frau.  Sleep, rinse, and repeat.  The weekend is almost the same, but without work.

Fourth, I tried barefoot running today.  I said that I wasn't going to run until New Years but it was a bad day and I just couldn't take it any longer.  A friend was talking about barefoot running the other day and I figured I'd give it a try for a few laps and then see.  I think this is the thing for me.  Well, not actually barefoot (though I did run about .75 miles without socks or shoes on the indoor track) but using the same form.  What I realized is that I run completely different with shoes on unless I run barefoot first and then try to mimic that feel with shoes on (which takes effort).  The better news is that my left achilles did NOT hurt, so I'm going to try running again next weekend and then see if I can build up my distance.

Well, that's about it.



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