Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 48 (21 Aug ) - Week One of Exercise Done

I started my first class in Air War College.  After two years of school and three Master's Degrees in two years, I can't believe I have to do this again.  The elective is titled "Coercive Airpower."  This should be fairly easy since I spent the entire last year studying the same subject.

This exercise is painful.  It's not that anything we're doing is that difficult.  It's just difficult to coordinate with HHQ and the Koreans and attend all the meetings at the same time.  I'll be really happy about this time next week when this thing is over.  I'm going up to Yongsan next week to coordinate between the KAOC and Combined Forces Command.  I'm being sent to help fix broken processes, but that's like asking a deckhand to go and push the Titanic out of the way of an iceberg.  Wish me luck...I'll need it.



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