Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 32 (5 Aug) - Ta Da!

Today a minor miracle happened.  I got my stuff!

Three boxes made it literally around the world and into my room.  Golf clubs?  Check!!!

Box #2 of 3.  What I notice about this box are the two big holes in the side that are covered with tape.  Now, the interesting thing is that there were no holes in the side when it left Alabama.  Hmmm...

Only one small bit of damage.  My Black & Decker knock-off of the Foreman Grill lost a corner, but it still works.  Not bad even for how little stuff I had.

Here's my room now with all the extra stuff.  The books were a little bruised but fairly intact.  I will never ever allow them to move my books again without packing them separately.



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