Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 39 (12 Aug) - Another Farewell

Tonight we went to a Korean restaurant in Songtan to say farewell to the Korean counterpart for my boss.  I'm not sure what his Korean name is; we call him "Lincoln."

This is the lovely Chung-Un Bulgogi House.

A table for 20 of my closest friends.

Grilled marinated pork ribs and garlic.

The servers cut the pork with scissors when it's ready.

The American is my boss.

The guy on my left is Kan, one of my two ROK counterpart.  The guy on my right is Mickey, who just got here.  He flies F-15Ks and went through the B course at Seymour Johnson with the 333rd in 2005, so we had a lot to talk about.  He told me that the Koreans have adopted callsigns after going through American TX courses.

The night lights of Songtan.


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