Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 2 - Moving Day

Today I actually got a lot done, despite the base’s efforts to the contrary.  Where do we start?  First, what time would you guess 0700 in-processing starts?  You guessed it…0800.  The good folks at MPS thought it would be a good idea to cancel the first two in-processing briefs after two down days.  After throwing 30 minutes down the drain (TIP: they only want the AF Form 330), I walked over to the Med Group and dropped off my dental and medical records.  Then, I walked over to the Dorm Manager’s office.  He offered me a nice room on the 4th floor.  The only catch – there’s no elevator.  “Have you got anything else?,” I asked.  Well,  I’ve got a room on the 1st floor, but the slide out drawer for a keyboard is broken.  Hmmm…broken slide out drawer and I have a LAPTOP.  Hmmm…I’ll take it!  But first we have to walk over and check it out.  Thank you, sir, that’ll be another hour of your life you’ll never get back. 

Next, it’s off to work.  There’s a staff meeting in an hour and I just love meetings!  Especially when I have no idea what’s going on.  After the meeting we run to Pass & ID (TIP: grab tickets for everything you need and they’ll be just staggered enough to have a small wait between each number).  I have to 1. Get registered in DBIDS, 2. Get a restricted area badge (badges, we don’t need no stinking badges!), 3. complete a transfer of sale on the vehicle I bought yesterday.  The first two were fairly uneventful…I even smiled for my RAB photo.  Item #3 is where the comedy kicked in.

Here’s the way it went.  Every Wednesday, from 1000-1500, with only one hour for lunch from 1200-1300, a Korean official from the downtown vehicle registration comes out to the base to handle registrations without you having to go downtown.  She is obviously Korean.  The lady who is selling me her car is also Korean.  The office space for this transaction has only one chair.  Remember, the whole purpose of this office is to exchange a car from one individual to ANOTHER individual.  You might think they would consider putting in another chair!  So she’s sitting down and the Korean official is sitting down and they’re talking in Korean and I’m standing there like a big dumb American.  They talk for about 15 minutes and every now and then she says something to me such as “ID” and “Insurance” and “sign.”  Eventually, she hands me a small stack of papers and a key.  I think I’m good to go.  Not so fast, Mr. Optimistic.   Turns out, I have to return tomorrow, after 1300, to get a hard copy of the registration.  But first, I have to get it inspected.  Now, mind you, the previous owner got it inspected less than 2 weeks ago.  Yes, well, that’s no good.   I need a buyer’s inspection.  Ohhhhh, I see.  Off we go to the Auto Hobby Shop.  $20 later and less than 15 minutes, I have a copy of an inspection.  I am ready for tomorrow.

What else…dropped off Flight Records, got the combination to my PO Box (send mail—I love mail—especially packages!), and got my cell phone working (010-7264-6687 in case you’re wondering), and bought some supplies for my new room (next post).  Went back to work—yada, yada, yada—called it a day.  Whew!

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