Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 1 - Sorry Folks, Korea's Closed - The Moose Out Front Should Have Told You

Well, my first day turned out to be a semi-bust.  7 AF decided that it would be a good idea to have a down day the day after 4th of July.  Normally, I like down days.  However, today it meant that I couldn't get anything done.

On the other hand, it helped to not have much to do.  I had some time to try and find a car, which I did!  It’s harder than you would think, since there’s no official lemon lot on Osan.  Instead, there are places with flyers and a few cars with FOR SALE signs scattered about the base.  It’s like an easter egg hunt with the eggs being dyed rust color.  After calling about an SUV that was sold the day before, I saw a flier about a used Hyundai.  I jotted down the number to think about it and started to walk back to my room.  In the parking lot on the way, there was a car with a FOR SALE sign on it.  It was the same car—clearly a sign!  I called and the lady, Korean national who worked on base, came over to show me the car.  10 minutes later the haggling was done.  $1000 for a 1996 Hyundai Sonata III, or as the rear bumper says, an "Onata."  Here are some pics of what a grand buys you at Osan.  The problem is that we have to transfer ownership through the local officials, so maybe tomorrow I’ll have a car.  At least I almost have a car…it’s a start!

The tinted windows are nice in case I choose to moonlight as a Korean pimp or drug dealer.

Another pic of my new used car...the children were not included.


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