Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day #24 (28 July)

Hello All,
This post is not actually from Richard...It is Chrysta today.  There will be no pictures because I have no idea how to add a picture, but we have done so many fabulous things while we have been visiting.  The DMZ tour was amazing.  Shopping has been a blast.  We have been yelled at by women on the street because we didn't stop to look at their scarves, walked through kitchens, up stairs, around corners, and crawled through holes in the wall to look at purses, tried Kimchi (ick), and been told about 2 dozen times that we are the "first customer today."  Apparently we were supposed to believe that we were getting a huge discount when they told us that.  Bulgogi is pretty good, toilet paper is at a premium, and they serve steak in a sweet gobi sauce at Outback Steakhouse.

But most of all we have had a wonderful visit with Richard.   We hate to leave him, but it is time to go home and back to reality.  Love you Honey!

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