Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 4 - The Learning Curve Picks Up Speed

I learned a lot today.  Things I learned: 1. It takes me 7 minutes and 10 secs to walk to work,  2. I don't know what I'm doing at work,  3. My car leaks water on the passenger door when it rains,  4. I don't like kimchi (ok, I already knew that), or genko, or boiled radish,  5. Boiled chicken is not very tasty without salt and pepper,  6. Boiled chicken is not very tasty with salt and pepper,  7. I can only sit cross-legged on the floor for a max of 15 minutes without stretching my legs,  8. When it rains, it rains a lot,  9. Just because it isn't raining doesn't mean it's not going to rain.

I also got my first tasker today (well, really yesterday, but I didn't mentally accept it until today).  Tomorrow is Saturday, which is normally a day off, but we're getting ready for an exercise, so I'll go to work for a few hours.  The plan for dinner tomorrow night is duck.  At least now I know to add the salt.

Here are some pics from dinner.  Quite an experience.  Shoes off, sitting on floor, and we spoke no Korean while they spoke no English.  Yogi had to call the interpreter from the squadron, tell him what we wanted, and then he handed the cell phone to the waitress.  Everything from there was a breeze.


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